Service: Commercial product assurance


ZigBee is widely used to create personal area networks using low power digital radios, to enable wireless home automation.

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IEEE 802.15.4

IoT protocol used for low power wireless mesh communications. This standard defines the PHY and MAC layers.  

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DLMS Server

Used (globally) for smart metering data exchange. Developed and maintained by the DLMS User Association (and also referred to as IEC 62056), the standard defines

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DLMS Client

Used (globally) for smart metering data exchange. Developed and maintained by the DLMS User Association (and also referred to as IEC 62056), the standard defines

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Used for fuzzing GBCS Gas Meters –  includes test generators, preconfigured generation and analysis templates.

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Used for fuzzing GBCS Electricity Meters –  includes test generators, preconfigured generation and analysis templates.

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CPA VER mitigations functional test script package (300+ scripts with access to core library of helper functions) lifted from the CPA Security Characteristic for Gas

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CPA VER mitigations functional test script package (300+ scripts with access to core library of helper functions) lifted from the CPA Security Characteristic for Electricity

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CH Sim

Simulates a GBCS Comms Hub. Supports functional security testing of GB smart metering equipment. See also: ESME VER (CPA) and GSME VER (CPA)

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ZigBee ZSE 1.4

ZigBee is widely used to create personal area networks using low power digital radios, to enable wireless home automation. Within smart metering, the Zigbee Smart

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Used in telecommunications, networking and cryptography. Defines human and machine readable data structures that can be serialised/deserialised cross-platform.

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